Getting good, consistent sleep is important to your health, mood and overall productivity. But achieving quality sleep is often easier said than done.
Do you have trouble sleeping? It’s possible that making some changes to your bedroom could help you achieve a more restful slumber.
Here are five updates you can make to your room that may create a better environment for a good night’s sleep.
Swap out your color palette. Blues, greens and light neutrals are the most relaxing hues and, therefore, conducive to sleep. Bright or very dark colors, like reds or purples, are the opposite — they’re more energizing.
Target your senses. To help you transition from the hustle and bustle of daily life to sleep mode, incorporate items that calm the senses. Items like a lavender-scented candle for smell, a white noise machine for sound or a dimmable lamp for sight can all contribute to a tranquil space.
Get rid of clutter. Clutter is stressful and can make for a more restless night of sleep. Take a quick pass through your bedroom to remove any clutter, such as piles of unfolded laundry.
Invest in a new bed. If you have the funds, upgrading your mattress or bed frame could help. And if you’re on a budget, you can purchase new bed linens to increase your comfort or rotate your mattress for more support.
Change up the layout. Move your bed away from bright windows or sources of outside noise, and think about a more relaxing design approach.
Get in touch if you need a referral to an experienced interior designer who can help you level up your space or have questions about homeownership.